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Contextual Schema Therapy Project

Accepted scientific articles

  • Ștefan, S., Stroian, P., Fodor, L., Matu, S., Nechita, D., Boldea, I., Fechete, I., Mătiță, D., & Mustățea, M. (2023). An online contextual schema therapy workshop for social anxiety symptoms – A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 29, 67–75.

Scientific articles under review

Scientific articles in preparation

  • Stefan, S., Stroian, P., Matu, S., Fodor, L., Nechita, D. (under review). Self-criticism, experiential avoidance, social anxiety and depression in an experience sampling paradigm. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science

  • Stefan, S., Stroian, P., Matu, S., Fodor, L., Nechita, D. (in preparation). Contextual schema therapy for social anxiety and depression. A group-based online intervention

Conference presentations

  • Ștefan, S., (2022). An online contextual schema therapy workshop for social anxiety symptoms – a randomized control trial. Paper presented at the 52nd European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies - EABCT 2022.

  • Matu, S. (2022). The extension of the cognitive-behavioural model from individual-level analysis to regional- and country-level analysis: an empirical investigation. Poster presented at the 52nd European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies - EABCT 2022

  • Ștefan, S., Matu, S., Stroian, P., Fodor, L., Georgescu, R., Oltean, R. (2023). Self-Criticism, Experiential Avoidance, Social Anxiety and Depression in an Experience Sampling Design. Poster presented at the 53rd European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies - EABCT 2023

  • Ștefan, S., Stroian, P., Matu, S., Fodor, L., & Nechita, D. (2023). An Online Contextual Schema Therapy Workshop for Social Anxiety Symptoms – A Randomized Control Trial. Paper presented at The Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences - ACP2023

  • The INSPIRE conference, organised by the Schema Therapy Society in March 2023 in Melbourne, Australia, was the most important international scientific event in the field of schema-focused therapy. Paula Stroian attended the conference, which brought together leading experts, researchers and practitioners. Participation of our team member in workshops, lectures and open sessions was essential for the development of the intervention protocol to be implemented at this stage

  • Matu, S., Stefan, S., Stroian, P., & Fodor, L. (2023). Auto-critica și evitarea experiențială în relație cu anxietatea socială și depresia într-un design bazat pe date longitudinale intensive (ESM). Paper presented at the National Conference of the Romanian Psychologysts Association (Conferința Națională a Asociației Psihologilor din România) - APR2023

Anunțuri recrutare participanți

  • Te invităm să te înscrii la un studiu despre emoțiile și gândurile tale de zi cu zi, completând acest formular:

  • Timp de două săptămâni, vei utiliza o aplicație în care îți vei înregistra experiențele zilnice.

  • La sfârșit, te recompensăm cu un voucher eMAG de 100 RON dacă parcurgi minimum 80% dintre întrebările din aplicație și cu ore de practică dacă ești student la Psihologie UBB și completezi cel puțin 60% dintre întrebări.

  • Contact:


No. 37 Republicii Street

Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy Department The International Institute for the Advanced Studies of Psychotherapy and Applied Mental Health Babeș-Bolyai University



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